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What The...

June... Has ended! I've just noticed that July is here already! You are wondering what has happened? Well, in a good way, I have been busy with two tasks, plus an extra task that has been a part of my town and my heritage by birth.

Get back to May

Well, it was that time again like every other year since 2019; I started volunteering at a big local event called The Australian Italian Festival. I'm a coordinator for the merchandise stall for the festival that was in June's first weekend, this year was the 3 and 4 of June. Beginning of May, I planned on which merchandise items to sell and box them in plastic boxes or in cardboard boxes. Three days a week I started lightly and the second week of May, I started the heavier bits to do the count of the stock and making sure that everything is good enough for the festival.

By 15th of May, I still did the stock-take and also started Selling tickets for the dinner that was on the 26 May, the Fashion show which was cancelled because of personal issues of the fashion houses and the Festival tickets for Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th of June. The duel role of coordinator and ticket seller has been a great sense of my mental capacity to do more than one thing at a time and most of all I volunteer my time which is rewarding enough for me.

Why You may ask?

It is simple and the truth, my culture - Italian - is being celebrate since my father came to Australia from the northern east of Italy and my mother's parents who came from Sicily. Of course being born here in Australia is also being celebrated which I could say with pride that I honour my heritage. The dinner holds such a reminder for me, that I held being born here with my parents struggle through their life, my father had struggled through much after all he lived with twenty-five other relatives. A very strict great grandfather in a household in an aftermath of World War 2.

I still here my father's words of times when he was growing up there and the stature of employment was difficult that immigrating to Australia was the best solution. The hardships for my father had rendered most of his young life with three jobs. Getting to my point, living in a time where I can remember my fathers' stories of his place here had been a hardship that was a mixture of life, love and struggle with laughter. Pride of being Italian had been a hard one for me, too, because the past baggage I felt had been mine to carry but lately since 2019, I felt free to express my proud heritage.

June 1 and 2 2024 is the next festival date...

Even though June has flown pass by and the weekend of the festival has gone by, I have been busy with my works that is editing my collection which needs to be shortened into two volumes. Thus the first volume will come soon that is during the end of this year. One problem I have is naming the series of my collection of short stories from 2010 to 2019. Lucky for me I have to split the book in two and then get ready to set it up with a platform of self-publishing.

Expect the collection before Christmas...

As I am on the 5th of July, while most of my readers are on Tuesday, I do not get the difference of time zone it is bloody draining on my time clock. Speaking of my time clock I get fatigue as well, however, I get by somehow. Oh, it must be my meditation and exercises like going to the physiotherapist and gym once a week and a course that started in 2020 to the here, now, and going forward.

July - What I'm doing? Onwards...

Noting the second last paragraph, I'm writing the sixth book in a new series still set on Ducelord, editing and publishing the collection, plus doing the course and writing short stories and going for my next phase of my planning is to win a competition. Goals set high for this financial year. Always set your goals high and work diligently to make that goal possible.

Stock-take again September...

As for this month that is July, my hometown is having a Show Day this Thursday and Friday where it is an event that starts with competitions during this week, like cows, sugar cane, chickens, roosters, birds and more. There are rides, food vans and stalls to spend a good few hours. It is like a country fair. This just this week.

The next three weeks is fairly busy with my office/bedroom with a repaint if the weather is fine and sunny to do the job. Once done I will then get to finish the layout and editing of the collection of stories that is speculative fiction of genre. Once again signing off and see you later in the year just before October, until then have fun and enjoy every moment in life like it was the last one. Keep writing and cheers to all.

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

What do I mean by New Clothes?

It is so easy to speak figuratively and I mean this that even though I call new clothes is what changes mean to me. Here I am on Wix which is my New Clothes instead of my old clothes even though Wordpress is okay, I feel like a change. This is very much like getting a new suit. Wix was like a hero would have a sidekick. Now I'm turning this around and have Wordpress as my sidekick. Note the easy analogy of my slight comedic side of me. ;)

Wix has more of the easy drag and drop options and easier in making this blog. I'm still working out the things I'm having trouble to do. I have good hopes that it will have SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer is a Digital Certificate that help with being safe with my site. This SSL had been a burden that I can't pay as I suspected a cost value would make a rise at my domain provider and the hosting provider was increasing the cost as well because I could not control some things I wished to use. Changes to the old website provider was coming into some things getting changed by itself. It feels very awkward to explain even though I like Wordpress just as a blog, which I still have for my books and film review that is still on the the Home page of this new site.

Sometimes a change of new clothes is needed to free yourself from doldrums of life. It is the breathing in for the calm and breathing out the stress. Accepting the things you can't get and do your best to get the things you want. As an writer and author this has been one of the best thing I happened to have as a tool - the breathing in and out, plus visualising myself as the author is really opening me up to see the possibilities of going forward.

I have a lot more to do here on my new clothes that is this website and hoping to bring a better experience to all. Keep reading and looking at this website for new things to come and look at the store for merchandise that is coming soon.

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