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Robert Cristante is an Australian born residence, living in his family home, in a small country town in the north of the state of Queensland. He found his love for reading epic fantasy and horror more alluring and it feed his imagination, while reading Science fiction had lost the momentum of grasping the significance of the future. Even though, Science fiction, is not his cup of tea, he will dabble in it from time to time. While his drive of enjoyment for writing is second nature to him; Horror and Epic Fantasy, he found more alluring than science fiction. However, he does write a splash of science fiction which he read somewhere that is called Science Fantasy.
His appeal to Epic Fantasy had started when his mother started to read to him "Puss in Boots" and as he grew up, he learned for himself that reading is a passion that has not stop. As a child, he spoke Italian and it was or never has it been a problem until he went to school. From a music record, called, "A shudda uppa your face" he learnt how to speak English - Broken English. At the age of ten, a teacher gave him a Mark Twain novel called, "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court" started his own obsession in reading and writing, and as a cheap hobby apart from the boring stamp collecting.
During his time at school to full time studies at a college, he soon found that writing became a hobby that was left on the shelf to gather dust. After looking at his career in the computer industry was non-a-plume, he found writing again. Writing started in finding employment as a laborer to a prawn farm. A few years later, he was ready for another trial for the computer industry as he then went back to do full time study and part time work in a school setting. The most enjoyable phase in working in a school setting would be the time he volunteered his time to help students with special needs. During this time, he is writing an epic fantasy, which is in the first stages of editing and rewriting. He is also writing short stories and sending off to publishers and editors of small presses.
Since 2008, his writing had been rejected which he took up more study in his career as a writer/author. Learning from his tutor and getting into various websites to do with writing and publishing and reading critics from aspiring writers, he made a writing plan. From Mother's Day 2010, he first flash fiction of about 500 words was accepted and published later. From that day on til now, he has published more short stories in small presses such as Pill Hill Press(now closed), Static Movement and Wicked East Press.
Here is a little bit more about the author - in his own words, "I enjoy life to its fullest but at a reasonable pace – that is day-to-day. I started to write my epic fantasy novel at the age of ten. I had a few setbacks with health and job prospects, however writing has and still keeps me calm. I have two novels at the moment on the go, which one will be in its second stage of edits, hoping to be out to a press or publisher, sometime soon. Of course, edits and re-writes are the norm for me and because I do six times edits after my first draft. Why? I'll answer that for another time in my blog. The above is almost all about me."
He really enjoys watching movies especially Horror and Science fiction, also enjoys collecting rare items and anything with models like boats, trains and, Also Citadel Miniatures and Warhammer from Games Workshop.
He is an editor and proofreader put is simpler that he enjoys what he does. Above and to the right side is just two of his own logos that he has used in the fourteen years since he started writing and the last four for editing and proofreading.
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